Fighting Beauty Tips

During pregnancy period, especially on late terms, hairs often make a woman glad. They become strong and shining. You just cannot believe that, while looking at comb, you can see no hairs on it. This happens due to your organism?s satiation with vitamins, nutritive substances and favorable hormonal background. However, 3-4 months later you can see a reverse process: hairs fall out sometimes, suffer from fragility and look lifeless. Don?t panic! Your hairs soon will gain beauty again, but you definitely should help them. ?Delicate? life of a hair

One loses about 60-80 hairs per day. At the same time new ones come to take their place. On average, a hair grows 1-1,5 cm per month. When a new hair is formed in a bulb, old one falls out.

What do we know about our hair?

- Female hairs live up to 10 years, while male ones only ? 3 years

- Blondes have most thick hair ? about 140 thousands of hairs. Brunettes ? 102 thousands, brown-haired women ? 109, red ? 88 thousands.

- Nationality, place of living influence thickness of hair. It is known, that natives of South have richer scalp, than natives of North.

- During day time hairs grow quicker, than during night.

- In spring-summer time hairs grow significantly more actively, than in autumn and winter.

- Speed of hair growth depends on age. The most active growth takes place between 15 and 30 years, any by 40 years speed of hair growth begins slowing down significantly.

Business-ladies are in danger!

Unfortunately, not all women can boast of wonderful chevelure in modern conditions of life. According to statistics, by 2010 year alopecia threatens to 70% of men and 10% of women in Europe.

First of all, business-ladies are in risk group. The matter is, that in strong women?s blood there?s an excess of male hormone testosterone, and it contributes to ?business? pelade.

Why do hairs fall out?

When conditions of head skin and blood circulation are normal, there is no excessive falling out of hairs.

Sudden falling out can start because of:

- significant decrease of quantity of estrogens (female sexual hormones) after pregnancy, childbirth;

- taking of some contraceptive preparations, containing substances, increasing level of androgens in blood;

- bad blood circulation;

- lack of nutrition for hair roots;

- operations with usage of general anaesthetic, inflectional diseases of head skin;

- excessive greasiness;

- poor nutrition (lack of vitamins and microelements);

- stresses;

- chronic not getting enough sleep.

Young mother may have several reasons for hair loss: from hormonal ones to problems with sleep, you know, not every baby will sleep 5-6 hours per night since first months, especially if he is on free feeding and is put to breast upon request.

Recipes to keep your hair

In fact, you will not find such advices, like ?you need to sleep at least 8 hours per day?, or ?forget about stresses and be always calm? here. We have to repeat again, that full-value sleep and soul balance are almost unique events for a young mother.

Another obstacle: constant lack of time for yourself. So try not to refuse from your relatives? help: it will be good, if someone of them takes care of a baby during 15-20 minutes, while you will take care of yourself.

One of our readers writes:

- Hairs started fall our strongly 4 months after childbirth. And during following 3 months I lost, probably, 30% of my hairs, they definitely became thin. If I had enough time for myself, I would not lose so much hair. However, when I got tired, during first time I always chose an opportunity to take a nap for another 30 minutes, than doing something useful. When I sounded alarm, I started using tried remedies for hair treatment, and process of falling out slowed down, I saw fewer hairs on my comb. And 2 months later I noticed that my hairs were back to normal again. Sometimes my husband helped me to steal moments for myself, sometimes it was my mother, and I?m very grateful to them for this.

It is important to note, that anyway, you should not panic, as falling out of hair stops on average in 4-6 months simultaneously with hormonal reconstruction of organism. But the question is about how much hair you can lose. While correct care you can prevent excessive hair loss, and renew damaged hair and head skin.

So, try one of following effective methods of struggle against hair loss:

1. Apply steamed out rye-bread on wet hair, rub in skin slightly and wrap up your head with a warm towel. 30 minutes later, massaging head skin and wiping hair, wash out bread and rinse with one of herbal extracts, for example, nettle or rosemary extract.

2. Rub egg yolk in moistened hair, massaging head skin, wrap up head warmly and in 30 minutes wash your hair the way you wash them with shampoo.

3. You can wash you hair with warm buttermilk, rubbing it carefully in head skin.

Wrap up head for 30 minutes, and then rinse with warm herbal extract or decoction carefully, according to following receipts:

- Prepare a decoction of honeysuckle stalks (6 table spoons for 1liter of water, boil 10 minutes, draw for 30 minutes, filter) and use for washing your hair, if you suffer from shedding, during 3 weeks every other day.

- In German folk-medicine they use extract of nasturtium leaves and small nettle for rubbing in head skin while hair shedding.

- If you suffer from itch while dandruff and hair shedding, then you should wash your hair with a strong decoction of equal parts of willow rind and burdock roots.

- Take 20 roots of calamus, 20 g of burdock root, 25 g of great nettle, 10 g of calendula flowers, boil everything in 1 liter of boiling water on slow fire during 5 minutes. Decoction should draw in warm place for 2 hours. After you filter it, use it for smearing your hair and slight massage, after washing your hair. Repeat the procedure 5-6 times during month.

- One of effective remedies against hair shedding is washing hair with calamus and burdock roots 3 times per week during month. To prepare it take 2 table spoons of both roots, add a couple of handfuls of hop cones, pour with 1 liter of boiling water, boil during 5 minutes, draw.

- Take 3 table spoons of nettle leaves and 3 table spoons of coltsfoot leaves, brew in 1 liter of boiling water and 1 hour later filter, wash your hair 3 times per week during month, massaging head skin.

- If you can stand garlic smell well, try to rub garlic juice, mixed with honey in proportion 1 : 2, in your head skin. Carry out this procedure every other day during month. With this procedure completed, rinse hair carefully with one of herbal decoctions with deodorant qualities, for example rosemary.

Here are some other receipts from our readers:

- Carry out a course of hair treatment, consisting of 10 procedures: once a week you need to do masks, containing: egg yolk, 6 drops of appropriate for you oils and 1 mL of vegetable oil. Jojoba or avocado oils are better. Camomile, rosemary, sage, lemon, ylang-ylang, clary, lavender ? these are essential oils, most popular while hair shedding treatment. Jojoba oils are used while dandruff. If you have no jojoba oil, then you can replace it by some other one. You should spread this mixture on your hair evenly, cover head with a cap, leave for 40-90 minutes, and then you need to wash your hair.

- If you have no allergy on onion, then you can mix onion juice and honey in equal parts and rub in hair 30 minutes before you wash your head. Use hair conditioners for sure and comb hair very cautiously. You also can cut your hair shorter, so that to renew an intensive growth of stronger hair.

- Another ?onion? receipt: add onion peel to an oak rind decoction. Boil during 5 minutes. This receipt is especially useful for greasy hair.

- Massage salt in head skin during 2-3 minutes, then wash hair with shampoo.

What are other ways to help to your hair?

- During post-natal period take polyvitamins for nursing mothers.

- Eat less salty, smoked and pickled food. It is easier to observe this recommendation for nursing mothers: this is one of the conditions of a diet for nursing women, to avoid baby?s allergic reaction.

- Use hair-dryer seldom ? hot air deprives hair of moisture and makes them fragile. You should better create a turban of a towel, and then allow your hair dry naturally.

- Change combs more often, micro-cracks on them ? are niches for reproduction of microbes that damage head skin.

Yana Mikheeva is the creator of Baby Health Directory - Pregnancy, Birth, Parenting and Baby Care resources. Are you going to get pregnant? Visit our friendly resource and read information on pregnancy and parenting, painless childbirth, growth and development of a baby, baby health, safety, signs of pregnancy. She also has All about women site where you can find articles on various subjects, such as: diets, receipts, health, cellulite, figure, aromatherapy, wholesome food, psychology of relationships, pregnancy, parenting, fashion and many others.

?Make up and skin care? is generally regarded as women?s forte. Men seldom indulge in ?Make up and skin care?. Many men do care for their skin but make up is really alien to most men. Treating make up and skin care as different topics wouldn?t make sense; after all, make up will work only if the skin is healthy. So how do you exercise make up and skin care, together? Here are some tips for make up and skin care:

1. Always have skin care on mind, whether you are buying products for make up or actually applying them onto your skin after you have bought them. So what you are buying is a ?make up and skin care? product, not just a make up product. Check the ingredients to see if it contains things that you might be allergic to. Also check if it contains high concentration chemicals that can harm your skin.

2. ?Make up and skin care? is also about testing the products before using them. So, apply the make up on a small patch of skin e.g. earlobes and check how your skin reacts to it.

3. Keep track of expiry date on your make up products and never use them beyond the expiry date. In fact some products (e.g. vitamin C based products), if not stored properly, get spoilt much earlier than the expiry date.

4. Cleanliness is an important part of make up and skin care procedure. Sharpen your eye-liners regularly and keep all your makeup equipment clean at all times. You might fix a date, each month, for overhauling of your equipment. As part of cleanliness, your make up and skin care procedure should also include keeping your hair clean at all times.

5. Nail care is another important aspect of make up and skin care. Use a good quality nail polish and always keep your nails clean. Once you are done with cleaning and polishing your nails, you should rub in cuticle oil at the edges of the nail.

6. If you have deep-set eyes, you should use a liquid eye liner instead of a pencil one. This will prevent smudging at the deep edges of your eye-lid.

7. If you have a skin disorder e.g. acne, you should not apply heavy or chemical based make up. Consult your dermatologist if you are not sure about the make up products that you can use while you have acne or other skin disorder. Never try to squeeze pimples/ acne. Remember that make up and skin care should not conflict each other.

8. Use a mild make up remover (instead of just washing it away).

9. Another important ?make up and skin care? procedure is the following golden rule: ?Never sleep with your make up on?

10. While applying a deodorant, make sure that you maintain the recommended distance between the nozzle and your skin (as mentioned on the deodorant pack).

So, make up and skin care should always go hand in hand. Do not try to treat make up and skin care differently.

Your guide to makeup tips and tricks.

Tania for . Do you want to get rid of puffy eyes? or need to tackle those ugly blackheads?

Most surgical procedures, such as chemical peels and laser resurfacing are meant to remove the outer layers of skin, forcing new collagen growth which eventually fills in the wrinkles. The opposite approach is to fill in the wrinkles with an injectable substance such as collagen or fat. This fills in the defects giving the skin a smoother appearance.

The most common filler is bovine collagen. Since there is a risk of allergic reactions, a skin test is required before its use. There are now bioengineered collagen products that are non-allergic and do not require a skin test, as well as synthetic fillers. Another choice is a transplant of your own collagen or even fat removed by a mini-liposuction procedure just before injection.

Usually you will receive a local anesthetic and the collagen product will be injected directly under the surface of the skin. There may be some bruising or swelling in the treated areas.

The collagen injection restores the skin?s natural collagen and you skin will look younger as it fills out.

Just like your own natural collagen, injected collagen will eventually start to break down and need to be replaced. You might have to repeat the treatment several times a year. However, injected fat tends to last a lot longer and the results may be permanent, especially if it was injected into other areas in the face containing fat.

According to a report issued by the Harvard Medical School, a new product is being developed that is designed to produce new collagen as needed. Called Isolagen, it uses a sample of your own skin to clone fibroblasts, the cells that produce collagen. Since this is a new procedure, its long term effects are still unknown.

Anyone who watches movies or TV knows the results of overdoing these types of procedures. Many famous actresses wound up with lips reminiscent of Bozo the Clown from overzealous collagen injections. Make sure you use a doctor experienced in this procedure and be frank with him on the results you expect to receive.

When properly done the results should be undetectable and natural looking, giving you another weapon against wrinkles and creases in your face.

This article is for informational purposes only. It does not purport to offer medical advice. Consult a qualified physician if you are interested in any of these procedures.

Jean Bowler was a ballet dancer and instructor, a teacher, a personal trainer and a cosmetics consultant. She is editor of Ageless Beauty ?

Years ago I found out how incredible easy it is to make lotion. It is so inexpensive and organic that I wondered why anyone would even consider spending a dime on the chemical rich lotions on the market.

Besides I had an added incentive, I have eczema, so I am extremely sensitive to what I put on my skin. Making my own lotion was a great alternative for me.

To begin, for a lotion base all you need is water, oil and an emulsifier. An emulsifier is simply an ingredient that blends the water and oil together. Here is the base that I begin with to make my lotion:

? cup distilled water
? cup oil (I usually use olive, almond, macadamia nut, or grape seed)
1 TBS liquid lecithin

You can experiment from here by adding essential oils, combining other oils; you can steep beneficial herbs into your water before you add your oil, etc?

Here is a nice winter lotion to get you started:

? cup distilled water
? cup olive oil
1 TBS lecithin
6-8 drops of geranium oil
2-4 drops Myrrh oil
400 IU Vitamin E oil (1-2 open capsules)

Geranium oil is good for supporting balance and rejuvenating dry skin conditions and for wrinkled and matured skin. Myrrh is a gentle oil that is effective in replenishing moisture.

Vitamin E oil is an excellent antioxidant and helps to protect the skin as well as a nice preservative.

Blend all ingredients in the blender either on whip or cream. You will have a nice creamy firm lotion. Add more water to make a lighter lotion. Store in the refrigerator in hot climates or store in a cool place. Shake well before use.

Enjoy your lotion. Hopefully this little recipe will inspire you to become creative!

About The Author

Danielle Sims explored her library of alternative health, herbal books, and aromatherapy books and created a blueprint for making her own body wrap formulas at home. Now she offers this information in an e-book entitled Wrap Yourself Slim: Body Wrap Exposed. Monthly newsletter is also available at her web site. for more information go to

A few years ago I discovered how to make a simple facial mask that left my face feeling incredibly soft, smooth and looking absolutely radiant. This mask contains kelp, honey, and aloe vera.

Seaweeds have been traditionally used to detoxify the body both internally and externally. They are rich in nutrients which help to both tone and nourish the skin. Seaweed contain mineral salts that can help the skin to hold it?s moisture better, which helps to smooth fine lines.

Adding honey to your mask adds additional moisture to the skin. Honey is a natural humectant that is rich in vitamins, minerals, enzymes and sugar. The sugar and enzymes in honey is a gentle exfoliate for the skin. When possible use raw honey to ensure that you get the maximum quality and benefit of this wonderful golden treat.

Aloe Vera has been known for its amazing healing properties for centuries. It has been used to help heal burns, eczema, sores, acne, insect bites, and more. It?s an antiseptic, highly lubricant, and penetrates deep into the skin.

To benefit from these ingredients, create this simple mask:

1 TBSP Kelp powder
? TBSP honey (raw honey is best)
? TBSP Aloe vera gel (99.9% pure)

Mix all ingredients in a bowl and apply to a clean face. Leave the mask on for 15 minutes and rinse with lukewarm water.

To enjoy glowing, healthy looking skin, use this mask 2 times a week.

I promise you will enjoy this mask and make it a regular part of your beauty program.

Danielle Sims explored her library of alternative health, herbal books, and aromatherapy books and created a blueprint for making her own body wrap formulas at home. Now she offers this information in an e-book entitled Wrap Yourself Slim: Body Wrap Exposed. Monthly newsletter is also available at her web site. For more information go to

Tanning is a very popular thing to do. There are a lot of people that want to have that golden-bronzed look for summer. When you want to achieve the best-looking kind of tan, you need to use a tanning lotion to help it along. There are so many different kinds and brands of tanning lotions that are available to buy. Many of them do different things and it is important to figure out the best one for your needs.

There is no best tanning lotion. There are better products for different people. Everyone's needs are not the same. For some people, they are going to need more protection from the sun than others. Many people have a harder time than others tanning and they find themselves getting a stronger tanning lotion, which may be more expensive too.

It will depend on the person's skin type to decide the tanning lotion that is right for them. There are many different types of skin. Dry skin, oily skin, and normal skin. It is going to depend on the skin type and what kind of tan the person wants to achieve. Another factor may be if the person is getting a tan from sun or from a tanning bed. Outdoor tanning lotions are made to be used with the sun and uncontrolled conditions, while indoor tanning lotion is to be used in tanning bed with the artificial light.

There are some tanning lotions that have a certain degree of SPF. You should have some form of sun protection outdoors. This is what will help to protect your skin from the suns harmful rays. There are different levels of SPF. You have to use the right one for your skin tone. If you have lighter skin, it is important to use the right lotion to protect your skin. You need to make sure that you have all the protection that you need. If you are looking for deeper and darker tan, you can go lower on the SPF.

You can find tanning lotions in many department stores or you can find them in a lot of beauty salons. You may find that you will get a better lotion when you choose buying it from a professional salon. You may find that different lotions will give you a separate look. You will find that you may go through a few different ones before you finally find the right one.

Achieving a great summer tan will give you confidence and a slimmer look. You will feel more attractive and better about yourself when you have the bronzed glowing look. Getting a great tan should be something that you have control over. You need to make sure that you protect your skin and get the natural sun kissed look that you love.

Copyright 2006 - Agust Hauksson. Agust is a regular contributor of articles to many online publications. Find more great information at:, and

Did you know that your hair has the advantage of long-term memory? Hair is a permanent record, like tree rings. A three-inch strand of human hair will give a six-month history of what's going on in the body since head hair grows at a rate of about a half an inch a month.

A hair analysis determines exactly what chemicals are inside of you, including radiation, heavy metals like mercury, food chemicals such as aspartame, pesticides, bacteria and more. The hair analysis is the best roadmap to view a history of what's going on inside of you.

What Is a Hair Analysis?

The protein in hair fiber holds the composition of the body tissues for a permanent period. By analyzing the hair fiber composition, a trained eye can tell what toxins have accumulated in the body tissues and what vitamins and minerals are depleted or too abundant causing an imbalance in body function.

By detoxifying unnatural chemicals like mercury and lead, and by replacing specific vitamins individual to your needs, proper health can be restored using nutrition. The human hair analysis can detail these levels.

It can be overwhelming to walk into a vitamin store and wonder out of the thousands of bottles on the shelves, ?Which ones do I need?? The hair analysis specifies which supplements your body is lacking, and which, if any, you are too high in. It saves time and money to know exactly what your body needs, or doesn?t need, nutritionally.

My own hair analysis was an important part of my natural healing from Grave's Disease in 1991. I discovered through my personal recovery, I couldn't fight what I couldn?t see. The hair analysis is an excellent tool to identify specific toxins, and vitamin and mineral deficiencies caused by them. As with any chemical in solution, food chemicals like aspartame and MSG saturate the body with toxins that penetrate the brain and infuse the bloodstream. Human beings are polluted with over 14,000 food chemicals we are exposed to daily. The hair analysis allows you to ?see? what damage these toxins may be causing.

Is the hair analysis really accurate?

The hair analysis is as credible as a standard blood or urine test ? maybe more. The key to a good hair analysis is the capability of a credentialed laboratory and the expertise of the practitioner interpreting the results. The American government and law enforcement agencies have depended upon hair analyses for decades to provide conclusive evidence in crime investigations and for drug testing for prison parolees. The cause of death by poisoning can only be determined conclusively via a hair analysis, as in the case of President Andrew Jackson.

A hair analysis is not understood in traditional medicine, but is highly respected in the world of forensics, scientific research, and drug testing. A hair analysis works the same as a soil or water sample to a geologist and engineer - it leaves a permanent imprint of the body's ?environment? within the protein in the hair follicles.

If you want to determine if your well or tap water is polluted, you have a water test performed, right? If you?re drilling for oil, you have a soil test done. So, it is with the human body. If you want to know if toxins are within your tissues, have a hair analysis performed.

Do Medical Doctors Use The Hair Analysis?

One of the shortcomings of the American Medical Association (AMA) is the lack of nutritional education required for medical students. American medical schools promote more of the pharmaceutical philosophy of healing by drugs opposed to a nutritionally based curriculum of natural healing.

Blood and urine tests have value, of course, as those results can identify disease present within the body and they help your doctor determine the amount and kind of drugs and medications needed.

The hair mineral analysis on the other hand, identifies long-term nutritional deficiencies that can be at the root of disease, along with identifying toxic metals within the body that can cause disease. Most traditional medical doctors do not know how to interpret a hair analysis, and therefore, discount them as an important tool in natural wellness.

You can read more information about the hair analysis and Dr. Hull?s hair analysis program by visiting the link below:

About The Author

Dr. Hull discovered the value of the hair analysis when curing herself from an ?incurable? disease. It was her ?roadmap? to wellness, and she uses her knowledge to help others discover the root of their health symptoms.

Dr. Hull's counseling expertise is based on her professional background. She has counseled numerous celebrities, professional athletes and sports figures, lawyers, and other medical practitioners, doctors and dentists. She works internationally with clients, and continues her research and development into perfecting the detoxification of toxins within the human body.

Dr. Hull writes a monthly newsletter covering a wide range of important health topics including Government Safety Alerts, Q and A's, and more! To sign up for her newsletter or to view past articles visit the link below:

Abdominoplasty, known as a tuck, is a very common cosmetic procedure. If you are interested in potentially having the surgery, you need to know the typical prices.

Losing weight is the perennial battle as we grow older. It is the lucky soul who does not naturally gain weight as the years pass. Exercise and diet are undoubtedly the best way to attack this inevitable process, a fact repeated in the media and literature over and over. The problem, of course, is who has time given the hectic pace of life?

An abdominoplasty is one option for battling the bulge. The costs of the procedures, however, may come as a bit of a shock if you aren?t aware of them going in. The prices tend to be a bit high given the nature of the procedure.

While abdominoplasty is the name used for most cosmetic abdominal surgeries, there is not one procedure as suggested. In truth, procedures range from full tucks to mini-tucks and so on. The difference is purely a matter of what you are trying to achieve. As you might guess, a full tuck is going to take longer, which results in a higher price. Mini-tucks are more isolated and less expensive given the time in question.

Abdominoplasty prices vary greatly depending on a number of other practical issues. The location of the tuck procedure is going to have an impact, to wit, Beverly Hills surgeons charge much more than surgeons in Oklahoma City. Further, there seems to be a direct correlation between the number of times the surgeon has been on television and the price. If you must have a celebrity surgeon, you are going to pay for it.

In general, the cost of a full abdominoplasty will range from $4,000 to $7,000 dollars. Mini tucks will run as much as half of this figure, but the specific cost is entirely dependent upon what is being done.

Abdominoplasty prices can cause serious sticker shock when you first get an estimate. Remember, health insurance rarely pays for plastic surgery.

Ricardo de Silva is with - a directory of plastic surgeons.

Teenagers with acne may feel besieged by the sudden changes in their appearance. Puberty and acne have been known to go hand in hand. As if it?s not already hard enough for your child to see changes in their body, now they?ve been overwhelmed with acne! Unfortunately, teenage acne can severely damage your teenager?s self-esteem.

Male teenagers may feel insecure about their appearance, causing them to withdraw from social activities with the opposite sex. Females, on the other hand may hind behind make-up products such as foundation or concealer. These methods of ?coverage? usually aggravate acne and cause further blemishes.

While acne is generalized as a ?part of growing up,? there are many factors which contribute to teen acne. For instance, a diet which consists of soda, junk food, and greasy foods will invite acne. By all means, your teenager should have fun and snack every now and then. But over-indulgence of such treats is the primary cause of severe acne in teenagers.

Your teenage daughter may have a very hard time dealing with acne. After all, this is a generation that?s flooded in advertisements that define beauty. Very rarely do you see a teenage model, actress, or singer that shows obvious signs of facial acne. Nevertheless, these famous teenagers are not flawless by any means. With the right amount of lighting and airbrushing, anyone can appear flawless! It?s essential that you remind your teenager of this.

It?s important to inform teenagers that they are still attractive and look wonderful the way they are. By all means, boost the esteem! Never pick at your teenagers appearance, as it will only hurt their self-esteem. If a teenager feels ridiculed and ashamed, they will lash out--or worse withdraw from friends and family. This can lead to depression, which may or may not be temporary.

If your teenager has been facing stress they may become affected by acne. An increase in stress will promote acne amongst people of all ages. Your teenagers body will react to stress by releasing more oils throughout the skin. Which increases the likelihood of receiving acne. In order to keep blemishes at bay, your teenager should wash their face regularly.

Nevertheless, excessive washing with soaps and/or other medicated acne products may dry out the skin. This will result in further skin problems. Your teenager should also drink plenty of water to flush impurities from the body. This too, will reduce the symptoms of teenage acne. offers a new treatment for teenage acne that attacks the rot causes of acne instead of the symptoms. Visit

The harhness of summer and winter can take their toll on our skin's condition. To look after your skin throughout the year in all seasons, use these simple tips to safeguard your skin on the inside and outside of your body:


Drink water steadily throughout the day - at least two litres or 8 glasses. In hot weather you'll probably need more as your body will use additional water to regulate your body temperature.

If you find it difficult to drink water throughout the day, increase your 'high water' food intake - salads, fruit and vegetables.

Beverages such as alcohol, coffee and traditional tea have a dehydrating effect on the body. Although they are high in water content, the other ingredients within these beverages require the use of water to metabolise. The overall effect is one of dehyrating, rather than hyrdating the body.


Develop a daily skin routine where you cleanse, tone and moisturize your skin both morning and night to keep it in peak condition. Even if you aren't yet into this routine, it is never too late and after a couple of weeks it is likely you will be more than pleased with the results.

Don't take chances - burnt skin is damaged skin. During the summer, get into the habit of applying a high SPF suncreen regularly.

Reapply sunscreen before and after swimming, and remember that ultraviolent rays can reach you on cloudy days and while you are in the shade.

Between 11am and 3pm take extra care and stay inside or within the shade to avoid the strongest sun of the day.

Spritz your face regularly throughout the day.

Choose loose, cotton, silk or linen clothing which allow perspiration to evaporate naturally.

Wear a floppy hat to keep the heath off your head.

Finish off the day with a liberal application of aftersun cream - soothing aloe vera is most effective.

Kim Beardsmore M.B.A., B.Sc. (Biochemistry) is the creator of the online weight loss, health & fitness magazine Weight Loss Health. For free resources, tips and healthy recipes to help you lose weight and gain energy, visit

Spa-goers visiting the spa for the first time often need to know what is expected of them as they prepare for their spa experience. As the spa strives to provide the client with a tranquil and safe environment so too the spa-goer has certain expectations placed upon them. To make the spa experience as relaxing and enjoyable as possible here are a few simple guidelines to follow:

1. Book well in advance and where possible pick up a brochure from the spa that includes prices and treatments. Call 24-hours in advance if you need to cancel or reschedule.

2. Request detailed information on the type of treatment booked.

3. Ask about the therapist assigned to you. Do you prefer a male or female spa therapist? An often missed and important detail.

4. Wear suitable clothes and be prepared to undress according to spa treatment you have booked. Spa robes and slippers are provided for the comfort of the client and spa personnel are trained in proper draping techniques for complete comfort and privacy.

5. Arrive 10 ? 15 minutes prior to your scheduled appointment to ensure you are calm and relaxed before the spa treatment.

6. Always alert the spa therapist to any current or chronic health condition that may need to be addressed before your spa treatment.

7. In consideration of the other spa clientele, cell phones and pagers are not a good idea in the spa ? remember your there to get away from the stress!

8. Allow the therapist to advise and prepare you for the treatment you have reserved. As you relax and benefit from the spa treatment you will be sure to feel the stress melt away.

9. Everyone is different ? so feel free to speak or not during your treatment. Share information and feedback on your personal comfort level or any sensitive areas on the body.

10. Relax you?re at the spa! Enjoy the treatment and reap the full benefits.

11. Take time as you prepare to leave the treatment room, however, remember there may be another client waiting to use the space.

12. Determine the tipping policy in advance and be prepared accordingly.

13. Let the spa personnel know if your experience at the spa was as expected. Your feedback is always appreciated.

14. Now is a good time to ask about any new products to take home. Scented candles or essentials oils will help you to enjoy the spa experience at home.

15. Remember the right way to spa is your way so always have good communication with the spa personnel and make the experience a relaxing and memorable one.

Canadian spas offer many innovative ways to experience spa. For more information please go to Spas in Canada

Contact: email

Spas in Canada ?2005

A. Kocsi is co-founder of Spas in Canada

After many years enjoying spas in Europe and drawing upon her knowledge of the corporate world along with an successful career in Public Relations and International Marketing Spas in Canada was created.

It's not as simple as it sounds. There is a difference!

When washing your hair, it is best if you get in the shower. You may give yourself a back-ache and won?t be able to rinse properly if you wash your hair in the sink. Start by rinsing your hair to remove any leave-in conditioner or styling aids. Use a quarter sized dollop of shampoo and rub your hands together to distribute it. Put the shampoo on your scalp, not the ends of your hair. Work up a lather by massaging your scalp with your fingers and scalp brush. Don?t mix your hair all over your head; the more you do, the more tangled it will become.

You may notice that during the first shampoo, you won?t have much lather. That is because your hair is still dirty! Rinse well and then repeat, but this time, let the shampoo sit for a minute (especially if you are using a protein shampoo). Rinse, then press the water out of your hair. Never squeeze or pull your hair when it?s wet. Instead, smooth your hands down from the top of your head down to remove excess water, and important step before adding any conditioner.

Hot or Cold Water?

Honestly, it doesn?t matter because the effects are barely noticeable. However, experts say to wash hair in hot or warm water to help remove dirt and build-up and to rinse hair in cool water to close the cuticle and add shine.

Deep Conditioning

Conditioners penetrate better on towel dried hair so remove excess water first. Be gentle! To protect your hair, smooth your hands down your head from the top of your head down to remove excess water. As your hair grows longer, gather your hair at the base of your neck with one hand, and once anchored, use the other hand to gently press the water out of the ends of your hair. Then, use a generous amount (half-dollar size dollop or more for longer hair) to make sure your hair is completely covered. Concentrate on your hairline, nape and the ends of your hair, where it?s needed most. Massage well, but DO NOT COMB THROUGH; it?s too damaging to your hair. Snap on a plastic cap and sit under a warm dryer for 10 minutes. Rinse well and follow with an instant conditioner.

About The Author

Nicole Elizabeth Smith, the author of Healthy Black Hair (2003), is a freelance health and beauty writer and a graduate of Michigan State University. She and her son Zack live in Michigan. Currently, she is beauty editor for

Women (and men. too) spend billions of dollars trying to make their complexions look great. Sometimes their efforts are self-defeating. Some of the following problems you have heard of before but I bet you haven't heard of all of this.

Sun damage

Harmful UV rays can cause scarring of the elastic tissues in your skin. These elastic tissues make skin soft and easy to move. A condition called solar keratosis develops from long term exposure to UV rays. This will cause the skin to lose its flexibility and will make a 30 year old woman look 59. Plus skin cancer can ruin your entire day. Use sunscreen.

Also, many women, after years of sun exposure develop a condition called, Fungal Solar Keratosis. The sun damage cracks the skin, allowing fungal parasites under the skin. These parasites will interfere with normal healing even if therapeutic skin creams are used. Special fungal skin creams are the only solution.

Bad make up

Many manufacturers put chemicals in their products to make them last longer. It costs money to remove spoiled lipstick et al from the shelves of grocery stores and pharmacies. So they put things like phenol and formaldehyde in all their skin care products. Germs can't live with these poisons around. But these products are very caustic. They burn skin and can cause cancer.

Use only skin products without these poisons. Check the labels.


If you live in a dry or salty environment, the dry air will suck moisture out of your skin. This causes the skin cells to shrivel up and makes puckering lines develop. Women in moist environments like Great Britain are noted for their youthful complexions.

Good chemical free moisturizers will help. Also moving to a lake will help.

Bad diet

Skin needs proper nutrition in order to replace dead skin cells with new softer, healthier cells. Of course, you entire body needs proper nutrition. But the skin shows the signs of improper diet long before the liver does. When did you ever see an unhealthy, ugly liver anyway? You've seen a lot of ugly skin.

Look up the food pyramid put out by the US government. Stick with this and you will generally be ok.

Air toxins

Household cleansers contain some of the deadliest materials known to humankind. Yet we cover our bodies with them when we clean our homes and offices. Many contain bleach which will destroy our skin and make us look like mummies. It's also bad for the lungs and kills sperm development in small boys.

Also chemicals in the air from household mold will cause the skin cells to toughen up and get scaly. The molds live in the walls and under sinks and send these chemicals into the air of your home.



Of course, being sick makes you look terrible.

You don't need a dermatologist for most of these probems. Just common sense and a little time checking ingredient lists.

For 30 years, Dr Graham has been helping people treat and prevent disease by showing them how to live in a clean environment. for free newsletter

Tired of always being told you have to do more and spend more too look younger? How would you like to do less and spend less yet look younger? Well now it's possible. All you have to do is avoid these 12 most common beauty mistakes made by women over forty and you will look younger, healthier, and more attractive.

1.Don?t use foundation that's lighter then your skin color. You will look pale, washed out and unhealthy.

2.Don't use powder foundation it tends to collect in creases and make wrinkles more prominent

3.Don't use frosted eye shadow, because its frosted particles settle into lid lines accentuating wrinkles.

4.Don't use iridescent eye shadow it attracts light and draws attention to lines.

5.Don't use brown eye shadows they tend to age the face and create a tired appearance.

6.Don't use black eyeliner it is to harsh and will emphasize any fine lines around the eyes.

7.Don't use overly light under eye concealer this will illuminate any imperfections and lines in the under eye area.

8.Don't over pluck your eyebrows; a very fine brow gives your face an aged look. .

9.Don't use too pale, too dark, or too bright color cosmetics. Anything bold, unnatural, and overpowering on the face makes it appear older and unattractive.

10.Don't apply your blusher too high or too low. If you want to create a natural, younger lift look to your face never apply blush any lower than the bottom of your nose or any higher up than the outside corner of the eye.

11.Don't apply your makeup too heavy because as the skin ages it starts to lose its firmness. Heavily applied makeup tends to slide into and accentuate lines and furrows.

12.Don't over exaggerate your lip line it will look phony even clown like.

Eileen Hammel is a Nationally & Internationally Recognized Image, Style and Beauty Expert Ms.Hammel is President of Smarter Image and Smart Skin Care - Smart Cosmetics by Smarter Image

For years, goats milk has been a staple in most culture. Nutrinionally it is superior to cows milk because it contains more nutrients, vitamins, proteins and minerals. Its fat globules are smaller than those of cow's milk, makng its absorption in the skin and digestive system faster and easier.

Scientists are learning that these remedies have a solid basis in scientific fact. Cosmetic chemists call goat's milk nature's liposomes because it is so easily absorbed into the skin, bringing with it moisture and restorative proteins, minerals and vitamins.

Goat's milk also contains over 50 nutrients, including the vital vitamins of A, C and B-complex, minerals and other elements that nourish and rejuvenate dehydrated skin. Vitamin A slows down the effects of aging, as well as prevents age spots and thickening of the skin. Zinc contributes to the reconstruction of collagen fibres, encouraging moisture retention and maintaining the skin's elasticity/ Riboflavin or Vitamin B-2 is another anti-oxidant and is essential for healthy skin, nails, hair and general good health.

Alpha-Hydroxy acid(AHA) naturally exfoliate skin. Goat's milk has AHA components that contribute to the micro-peeling process, gentry scrubbing off dead skin cells. Goat's milk helps nourish the newly-grown skin and may encourage the production of elastin. New skin emerges smooth, healthy and younger looking.

Now you can enjoy all these benefits in a goat's milk, bath daily with goats milk cream bar because it will help rejuvenate your skin naturally.

Jerome is an author of different websites. He conducts research in technology, auctions, health and more and put it into an interesting article. He is an avid reader and during his spare time, he watches tv and enjoys the normal life.

For your health concerns, visit

The Extreme H2O is a technological breakthrough in the field of contact lenses, being the first moulded spherical lens that are perfect for inexpensive daily wear.

If you decide to calculate the cost of these contact lenses per hour of wearing then you will find that the Extreme H2O contact lens will work out cheaper than your typical lenses. That is because you can wear them for much longer during the course of the day and they can be kept in your eyes for extended periods of time.

The new, visionary technology behind the Extreme H2O contact lens makes it ideal for people who usually experience what is called end of the day discomfort, or sometimes referred to as, 5 o'clock syndrome.

It is around that the time of day that most users begin to be aware of their contact lenses, mainly because that is when the lenses start to become irritating, bothersome and scratchy.

Because of the Extreme H2O's cutting edge comfort you will not think about taking them out as most of the time you will not even remember you have them in. That is how advanced the comfort technology is in these contact lenses!

Sometimes with most normal contacts you can barely see enough to drive home at the end of the day, your lenses are so itchy and annoying that you are ready to give up contact lenses for good. Well, do not put on those glasses just yet...

With an Extreme H2O contact lens in your field of vision, however, you will not have to keep your eye on the clock! The lens all but eliminates late-day lens awareness and discomfort. That makes it a true cut above most other two-week contact lenses presently on the market.

The secret behind the Extreme H2O contact lens is the key ingredient: hioxifilcon A, a co-polymer GMA-HEMA - it does not matter if you cannot pronounce the name! All that matters is that the compound helps the contact lens to retain moisture on your eye, even when most lenses would shrivel up!

This durability and consistency in performance means that these lenses will literally not shrink or distort as the day progresses. Helping them retain the same dimensions and amount of oxygen permeability at the end of the day as they did in the morning, when you first put them in.

The Extreme H2O high-tech polymer makeup, means that you will be able to enjoy the benefits of greater comfort and duration of use, whilst the lens will always provide you with the fit and the power that your eye doctor prescribed for you.

If you wear two-week contact lenses and frequently experience late-day dryness and discomfort, then consider the benefits of the Extreme H2O contact lens.

Elaine Clay is the owner of Online Contact Lenses A one-stop online resource guide - find helpful information, tips, articles and advice all about the different types of contact lenses available.

Feel free to use the above article on your web site or ezine. Provided that it is published in it?s entirety, including my resource box above and a ?live? clickable link to:

A clinical study was conducted to evaluate the efficacy and benefits of Vital Science's Cellu-System products which consist of the following four items:

Cellu-System Toning Tea
Cellu-System Toning Capsules
Cellu-System Toning Cream
The study looked for effectiveness of these products in reducing the visible appearance of cellulite over an eight week trial period.

Selection of Participants

34 participants were recruited through a community posting. Criteria for participation in the study was as follows:


Over eighteen (18) years of age

No chronic or severe medical conditions that could affect results of the study

Not pregnant or nursing

No significant changes in lifestyle (diet and exercise) during the study

Obvious cellulite skin condition

Age ranges of participants who have completed is as follows:

Between 18 and 24 = 1
Between 25 and 30 = 5
Between 31 and 40 = 14
Between 41 and 50 = 5
From 51 and over = 9
Evaluation Tools:

Subjective evaluation by the participants

Professional evaluation by the practitioner through assessment of skin tone, hydration and appearance

Participants degree of satisfaction with their condition, both before and after the trial

Participants opinion of the products for: their effects, their ease of use, and side effects or benefits

Monitoring of weight

Thigh measurements

Before and after photos


Participants were asked to attend the study clinic for a ? hour assessment at the beginning and at the end of the study period. During the eight week period, the instruction was as follows:

TEA - drink 1 cupful, one hour before retiring at night.

CREAM - apply to cellulite areas twice daily, once in the morning, once in the evening

CAPSULES - take two capsules in the morning.

For more information on Dermaglow telephone +44(0)800 328 7612, or e-mail; web site

Brussel Sprouts are very important nutritionally because they have a long season and are one of the top providers of vitamin C, a cupful weighing 100g (4oz) will give, when raw, over 100mg of vitamin C, which is more than twice as much as the same weight of orange.

After boiling, the vitamin C goes down to 35mg per 100g - a good example of the benefit of using the whole raw brussel sprout juice to obtain the best nutritive value. If you do want to cook the brussel sprouts as a vegetable it is wise to remember that it is best to steam them until just tender in as little water as possible, which should be fast boiling before the sprouts go in.

Any remaining water can always be used for soup or in gravy. Why throw vitamins and minerals from the brussel sprouts down the sink? Brussels sprout juice is often used with runner or string bean juice to assist in the treatment of diabetes in adults. Children who have diabetes often do not have the ability to produce insulin, but in adults it can happen that there is a defect not in the production but in the supply.

Diabetes can be a serious condition unless it is expertly managed by a qualified practitioner who will advise on individual treatment, but the Brussels sprout and runner bean mixture has been reported to be a valuable aid to treatment. Brussels sprout is a variety of the cabbage family. The early Dutch gardeners were not only skilled at creating new varieties of tulip, they also produced a number of new vegetables by selectively breeding with wild cabbage (Brassica maritime).

Kevin Pederson has been managing a number of natural home remedies websites which have information on home based natural cures and remedies which can be provided by use of different juices as well as use of brussel sprouts.

As we grow older and are constantly exposed to the UV rays of the sun our skin starts to appear dry and dull. This is the result of the outside layer of the skin getting excessive build up and is not exfoliated on a regular basis. Build-up is especially noticed after we have spent the summer in the sun. It?s more apparent to women since we realize that our make-up doesn't look as fresh and our foundation begins to fade within a couple of hours. Our make-up and foundation is actually being absorbed into the accumulated dead skin cells, which gives a very tired and unhealthy look to the skin.

To keep your skin vibrant and healthy on a regular basis, you must have a regimen that incorporates exfoliation and nourishing the skin. Your regular skin care program does not have to be a department store or drug store solution. You can prepare an all nature skin care program right from your kitchen table and manage to get the same results if not better results that your store bought product promises.


You should exfoliate at least 2-3 times per week (daily is even better) to keep the skin?s healthy glow. One solution for exfoliating the skin in an in expensive way is to use sugar. Yes, Sugar! Glycolic acid which is found in most AHA (alpha hydroxyl acid) products is from sugar cane. You can benefit from glycolic acid by using sugar for exfoliation.

Simply mix ? to 1 teaspoon of sugar in with a small amount of your favorite skin cleanser. Wet your face and massage the cleanser/sugar mixture over your face for 1-2 minutes. Rinse your face with lukewarm water to remove this mixture and you will instantly feel a difference in your skin.


Give your skin a refreshing drink with a simple nourishing facial mask. The ingredients are powerful and can be found in your kitchen. Combine one or more main ingredient with a liquid ingredient for to make a wonderful facial mask. Base your ingredient choices on the health properties of each item.

Base Ingredient:

  • Honey ? It is a humectant (which draws in moisture) and it has antibacterial qualities that also stimulates and smoothes the skin.
  • Mango - Provides natural fruit enzymes which also exfoliates the skin and the oil in mangos help moisturize.
  • Avocado - A naturally rich moisturizer has essential fats and oils.
  • Oatmeal ? Moisturizing and slightly exfoliating
Liquid Ingredient:
  • Milk ? Enzymes and Lactose acid to exfoliate and milk fat to condition the skin.
  • Aloe Vera Gel ? Healing and softening.
  • Egg White ? tightening and conditioning.
You will want to follow your treatments with your favorite hypoallergenic moisturizer. For best results, these treatments can be done 2-3 times a week to help keep your skin youthful and vibrant.

Danielle Sims explored her library of alternative health, herbal books, and aromatherapy books and created a blueprint for making her own body wrap formulas at home. Now she offers this information in an e-book entitled Wrap Yourself Slim: Body Wrap Exposed. Monthly newsletter is also available at her web site. For more information go to Body Wraps Exposed

Beauty salon equipment is a broad term that applies to various pieces of equipment all having uniquely different functions within the beauty industry. The type of beauty salon equipment found within a salon?s doors is best determined by what services the salon offers its clients.

Most beauty salons offer basic hair cutting and hair styling services. The basic beauty salon equipment necessary to provide these services consists of hair styling chairs, wash basins, hair dryers and supply trolleys. Basic types of salon equipment are available through a large number of suppliers that offer it at a low cost. This ?low end? type of beauty salon equipment is simplistic with no added features that can be costly.

Due to popular demand, many salons are expanding to offer day spa services to their clients. Day spa services aim to pamper the client and assist them in the pursuit of mental relaxation. Day spa services often include manicures, pedicures, tanning, skin care, waxing, and massage. These services all require the use of specific equipment. This beauty salon equipment is also readily available through a variety of suppliers, many of whom have elaborate e-commerce Web sites and online catalogs that allow a customer to make quick cost comparisons between suppliers.

Day spa equipment tends to include various features that enhance client comfort and provide relaxation. The cost of day spa equipment can be extremely varied. When purchased new, items such as tanning booths, tanning beds, and pedicure spas can cost thousands of dollars. To save money, a salon owner may choose to purchase used beauty salon equipment. There are many suppliers who specialize only in offering quality used beauty salon equipment. If a consumer conducts sufficient product research and ensures they are purchasing used beauty salon equipment from a reputable supplier, they can obtain equipment at tremendous cost savings. The money saved can then be invested in their business and used to attract new clients.

Salon Equipment Info provides detailed information about beauty, hair, nail, tanning salon equipment, as well as wholesale and discount salon equipment. Salon Equipment Info is the sister site of Hair Extensions Web.

As the cold weather approaches, it may be time to consider your skin care strategy for the winter months ahead. Dry air and cold wind can have a significant effect on the health of your skin, and you will want to do everything you can to protect your skin from the harsh winter elements. Give some serious consideration to the following information, and be proactive about the health of your skin.

Even though you will be bundled up in winter clothing, you should still consider using a sunscreen of some sort. For daily use, it may be a bit extreme to cover yourself in sunscreen in the winter months. Instead, try to use a moisturizer or makeup with an SPF of 15. If you are going to be out on the slopes, you ought to use a sunscreen with an SPF as high as you would use in the summer. The snow on the hills reflects an incredible amount of sunlight. Don?t forget to use a quality lip balm, too.

Try to avoid taking long, hot showers this winter. We all know how wonderful a hot shower can feel on a cold day, but try to resist the urge as best as you can. Hot showers can strip your skin of its natural moisturizers. Instead take a short, warm shower. Try to pat your skin almost dry, and apply a moisturizer while your skin is slightly damp. This is a great strategy to help you avoid dry skin.

Another thing to consider is your home heating system. As your furnace will be in constant use in the colder months, the air in your home can become extremely dry. If you do not have a humidifier built into your heating system, you should invest in a portable humidifier. Using a humidifier can prevent your skin from drying out, and it can help you avoid dry nasal cavities. If you do suffer from a dry or bleeding nose in the winter, apply some petroleum jelly for short-term relief.

In my opinion, the best way to deal with dry skin is to hydrate from the inside out. Drink as much water as you possibly can, regardless of the time of year. Drinking the recommended 8 glasses of water per day, will flush countless toxins from your body and will help keep your skin healthy and fresh. By following these suggestions, you can have beautiful skin all year round.

Alisha Burke loves spending time with her family and friends. She enjoys going for walks in the park with her dog and shopping for vintage clothes with her friends. When she finds herself with some free time, she writes for ? an online resource dedicated to helping you care for your skin, with information including Skin Care Facts, Skin Care Basics, Getting Rid of Acne and more.

Stretch marks can affect all of us. Many people assume the cause of stretch marks (also known as striae) is pregnancy, and so only pregnant women and mothers are affected. Body builders often suffer from striae, and the majority of these body builders are men. People who gain a great deal of weight are also susceptible to stretch marks. In short, anytime skin is stretched quickly or dramatically, striae are apt to appear.

Not only can striae affect both men and women, but they can affect children, teens, and adults. Skin is a remarkable organ. One of skin's most remarkable abilities is its ability to stretch.

Elastin and collagen are two of the building blocks of skin. Collagen is a binding agent in skin. Elastin provides skin with, you guessed it, its elasticity.

And the skin is phenomenally elastic. The scar tissue that accompanies these small rips in the skin are known as stretch marks.

How Stretch Marks Can Be Prevented or Repaired

A popular home remedy for stretch marks is cocoa butter. Pregnant women, body builders, or growing teenagers can rub in an ointment of elastin, collagen, and other proteins to help prevent tearing, and subsequent scarring. The proteins promote cell regeneration, which improves the scars' appearance. Then they thicken the epidermal layer, creating a smoother top layer of skin. This further improves the look of striae, even striae that are quite old.

David Stanton
Dermaglow offer natural & organic skin care to help prevent stretch marks.

Stop Hair Loss!

By Unknown

Are you losing more than 20-100 strands of hairs a day? If your answer is yes; you are part of 50 percent of the population experiencing hair loss, but before you get alarmed there are some changes in your body either conscious or unconscious that maybe causing your hair to shed. Did you make a change in your diet, Are you eating enough proteins and amino acids, Is your body going trough a hormonal change (postpartum, thyroid), Anemia, stress, medications etc.? It is advisable to consult a dermatologist for anyone experiencing extreme hair loss. A professional will evaluate all the possibilities and right treatment for those with a more serious problem.

Here are some recipes that will act on the scalp by tightening it and helping to avoid hair loss and promote hair growth.

Caution: Make sure recipes are not to hot before applying to hair or scalp.

1.Apply 2 tablespoons of warm olive oil to scalp, leave on for 10-30 minutes before washing hair.

2.Boil 2 cinnamon sticks in one cup of water apply to hair and live on for at least 5 minutes then rinse off.( it will sting a little).

3.Apply & massage vitamin E oil to scalp at least once a week. It's also helpful for dull hair lacking shine.

4.Increase your protein intake by taking multivitamins. Eat high protein foods like meat, chicken, fish, eggs, dried beans, grains etc.

5.Massage your hair with warm Castor and Almond oil once a week.

About The Author

Kenia Morales is the publisher of online magazine For Every Aspect of Today's Woman. Visit her site to find a variety of women related issues and topics.

We can always count on celebrities to serve as guinea pigs for the latest cosmetic and beauty treatments. During the Botox ? craze, even director Martin Scorsese commented that he couldn?t find actresses who could frown anymore! Perhaps actors, politicians, musicians and the like all grew tired of looking like Stepford wives because the latest cosmetic craze involves Hyaluronic acid, a key component of human tissue, providing the body with essential moisture and a viable way to erase wrinkles without the loss of facial expression. Hyaluronic acid is available in facial injections reportedly favored by celebrities like Charlie Sheen, Tommy Lee Jones and Oprah Winfrey who have chosen Restylane, a Hyaluronic acid wrinkle-filler that works to lift the lip, wrinkle or fold and create volume. Hyaluronic acid injections do not relax muscles but instead ?fill in? areas most affected by wrinkles and fine lines.

There are also several new, non-invasive beauty products that contain Hylauronic acid or work to stimulate the body?s own Hyaluronic acid production. Apparently full lips a la Angelina Jolie are a must-have because celebrities of all ages are going gaga for City Lips, a cutting edge product developed by City Lips Cosmetics. The City Lips product stimulates lips to produce their own collagen and Hyaluronic acid, painlessly increasing the size of lips. According to Karen Rauen, Good Housekeeping Institute?s chemistry director, The City Lips lip plumper, we found, plumps people's lips an average of three millimeters.? Celebrities like Desperate Housewives stars, Teri Hatcher and Nicolette Sheridan, Jamie Lynn Discala, Virginia Madsen, Melissa Rivers, Angela Bassett, Lacy Chabert, Lake Bell, Eliza Dushku, Bijou Phillips, Haylie Duff, Kathy Griffin, Tracy Ross, Marlee Matlin, Shannon Elizabeth, Michelle Rodriguez, Faith Evans, Giuliana Depandi, Debbie Matenopoulos and Princess Ann Claire, are reportedly huge fans of City Lip Cosmetics.

There are other Hyaluronic acid boosting ?lip plumpers? on the cosmetic market including Lucky Lips which allegedly increases Hyaluronic acid levels by 148% just 48 hours after use. Other celeb Hyaluronic acid beauty favorites include Hydrating Gel Cream from Prada Beauty, a lightweight, sheer cream featuring Hyaluronic acid and Rest-A-Line Face Treatment by Joey New York, an anti-aging cream rich with Hyaluronic acid which helps the skin hold 1000 times its weight in water, causing a natural plumping effect. All in all, between facial injections and non-evasive beauty creams, it seems like there is much hope on the frontier for finding that elusive fountain of youth; for celebrities and for common folk, alike!

Hyaluronic Acid Resource is dedicated to promoting an understanding of Hyaluronic acid, a major ingredient in many medical and anti-aging therapies and to highlighting places where you can safely purchase Hyaluronic acid products. For more information go to

You Gotta Laugh

By Unknown

?She is not fair to outward view As many maidens be; Her loveliness I never knew Until she smiled on me; Oh! Then I saw her eye was bright, A well of love, a spring of light. Hartley Coleridge

After failed plans to get into the city over the Labor Day holiday, we wound up spending the long weekend at home. Resting some on Labor Day Monday, we worked diligently on Saturday finishing up the basement (?The Dugout?); pulling weeds and shaping up our garden; catching up on art projects; and taking long bike rides through the mountainous terrain of Ridgefield and New York State.

It was after one of these long and glorious bike rides that my husband announced we were going to our neighborhood family restaurant, Dimitri?s, for a late lunch. For those of you living up here, you know Dimitri?s. We all know Dimitri?s. They just celebrated their ten year anniversary yesterday by inviting the entire town over for a party! It?s the best family diner in town. Very low-key. Very very casual. One of the owners is Greek; the other is Guatemalan. Most of the servers are from Mexico or South America?and we?re on a first-name basis with almost all of them. When they come to take our order, I always tell them I?d like?the usual,? and most of them know what I mean (its Cajun-grilled chicken Caesar salad with the best homemade dressing on the planet.) Going to Dimitri?s is not a big deal per se, although it?s something we look forward to every Sunday after church. Both the diner?s budget, as well as our own family?s, has a line item for the Fernandez? Sunday lunch at Dimitri?s.

So it caught me as quite a surprise when Nick, our seventeen-year-old, looked at me, fresh from my hour-long-bike ride, and told me I was not going to Dimitri?s looking ?like that.? I looked him in the eye?rather incredulous?and then looked at myself, starting at my waist and moving down to my shoes. I thought I looked rather, well, cute. I had adorable little hot pink athletic shorts on, which make my chubby thighs look kinda muscular; my navy blue polo shirt peeked out from under my favorite grey sweatshirt, which some would call ?ratty,? but to me, it was more of a Ralph Lauren-meets-Lance Armstrong-meets Martha Stewart kind of a look. On top of that, I had on my brand-new hydro-engineered tech shoes, fabulous for mountain-biking as well as for hiking the rain forests of Costa Rica, for crying out loud! I was no frumpy biker!

But Nick silently looked at me looking at myself and then met my eyes again with a single ?No. ?

Then Cristina, our twelve-year-old-going-on-thirty-two, bounced down the stairs and looked at me and said, ?Mom, you?re not going to Dimitri?s in that, are you?!?? Forever the fashion commentator, it took one twisted facial expression for me to read the signal?loud and clear?that my ?cute and casual? biker look was already embarrassing my kids to death.

Go figure.

These are the same kids that wear motley t-shirts hanging out of their shorts, jeans below their ?natural waistline? (I could get cruder here but I won?t), tank tops with bra-straps showing through, and athletic socks waaaaay past their natural lifetimes. Oh please.

But I do make a bit of a brouhaha about looking your best when you go out in public, and so my kids did have a point. After all, impressions do mean a lot and first impressions mean even more, right? We should all make sure our faces are freshly scrubbed, deodorant and body spray (or cologne or perfume) are adequately spritzed on, teeth brushed, and clothing (and jewelry) looking cute and casual before stepping out into the world.

So are there exceptions? I mean, just where do you draw the line? Do we need to wear make-up when we drive the kids to school in the morning or meet the other moms at the bus stop? When we make a quick trip to the grocery to pick up the milk? Or run into the pharmacy to grab a readied prescription?

Only you can say. But whatever, here are four ROCKET MOM Quick Tips for getting ready to walk out the door, all doable in ten minutes flat:

? Scrub your face. Use olive oil soap and a loofah or washcloth for a fast exfoliation. Rinse with cold water and quickly apply a fabulous moisturizer. Your face will be radiant!

? Do mascara and lipstick. Use inexpensive brands (like Maybelline) that make lashes fuller or darker or longer?but use it to make your eyes sparkle a little brighter. And keep a handful of lipsticks in ?ready position? by your vanity sink so you can grab one for an instant color pick-me-up.

? Spritz on something wonderful-smelling. Snatch something from your ?perfume wardrobe,? even if it?s an inexpensive body splash from Bath and Bodyworks or Target. It?s just too fun not to?.and it might hide unpleasant baby burble or kid dirt that you haven?t yet had time to shower off.

? Match your clothing. Even if you?re in scrubbies, make sure they coordinate. You may opt for that raggedy grey sweatshirt (as I often do!), but let?s face it: that vintage look can be very exciting, depending on what you match it with. If you woke up with very bad hair day and you don?t have time to shower, grab a baseball hat or a visor. No apologies and no guilt! And don?t forget to match your shoes to your whole look: it grounds you. (Remember: good mattresses, good books, good shoes)

Lastly, as far as the kids and their very insightful comments go: best to stand there and take them like a woman. Your kids will wind up saying the darndest things about you. And you just gotta laugh.

Carolina Fernandez earned an M.B.A. and worked at IBM and as a stockbroker at Merrill Lynch before coming home to work as a wife and mother of four. She totally re-invented herself along the way. Strong convictions were born about the role of the arts in child development; ten years of homeschooling and raising four kids provide fertile soil for devising creative parenting strategies. These are played out in ROCKET MOM! 7 Strategies To Blast You Into Brilliance. It is widely available online, in bookstores or through 888-476-2493. She writes extensively for a variety of parenting resources and teaches other moms via seminars, workshops, keynotes and monthly meetings of the ROCKET MOM SOCIETY, a sisterhood group she launched to ?encourage, equip and empower moms for excellence.? Please visit

>Yikes! It?s that me, I though after seeing my reflection. What happened? I feel like a different person and I am right. I went from being a single, ambitious young woman to a loving wife, mother and entrepreneur. All this new roles that I have acquire through life, leave me with more responsibilities and less time on my hands.

So, does this mean I have to sacrifice my physical appearance? I don't think so! Who says that moms can?t be trendy or simply look more put together.

Just to make things clear, I am not talking about wearing over revealing clothes, expending every single penny on shopping sprees or basing your whole existence on the way you look.

My advice is to just make time for improving your overall appearance. Even if you are a stay at home mom, make sure you get up a couple of minutes before the kids and do your hair, apply some lotion and don't just wear worn out t shirt, sweat pants etc.

What ever your beauty routine is just make time for it. It is a proven fact, looking better will help you feel better and influence those around you.

Kenia Morales is the publisher of online magazine For Every Aspect of Today's Woman. Visit her site to find a variety of women related issues and topics.


While it is true that a nose job is one of the most common forms of plastic surgery, there is more than just one procedure. This brings us to the subject of closed nose job.

Closed Nose Job Procedure

When choosing plastic surgery, it is important to have all of the information and options for your type of procedure presented to you beforehand. This is especially important with a nose job. A nose job is a procedure where the surgeon forms or shapes the nose to a desired position. In performing a nose job procedure, surgeons have two choices on how to proceed: open nose job or closed nose job.

An open nose job is by far the most common technique used to cosmetically (and medically) correct issues with the nose. In an open nose job, a small incision is made in the columella, which is the small column of skin that separates the nostrils. When this incision is made, the surgeon is able to lift the skin off of the nose exposing all of the tissue underneath including the cartilage. Surgeons find this easier to work with than a closed nose job, as they are more easily able to see all of the nasal structures. They can also work on the nasal tip cartilage in its natural position, making it easier to see how the final result of the surgery will come out. The biggest disadvantage to this surgery is the little scar left on the outside of the nose in the columella, though it does heal to an unnoticeable size in most people.

A closed nose job, on the other hand, leaves no external scarring. All of the incisions made with a closed nose job take place internally through other openings in the nose, and some feel that it heals more quickly. A closed nose job is better for nasal surgery that requires less extensive shaping and work than someone who would need open nose job. It is not recommended for extensive reconstruction or surgeries that require a lot of work done on the cartilage at the tip of the nose. The two biggest advantages to closed nose jobs are the lack of any scars, and usually, a shorter surgery time.

Only your board certified plastic surgeon will know for sure whether an open nose job or closed nose job is the right surgery for your nasal needs. Be sure to consult with your doctor and weigh the options carefully before choosing a type of nose job. If you have your heart set on a closed nose job and your surgeon feels it is not right for you, a second opinion is always a good option. Just be sure to feel completely comfortable with your choice before proceeding.

Ricardo de Silva is with - a directory of plastic surgeons. Visit us to read more plastic surgery articles.

The carbohydrates are the starches and sugars which are the main providers of energy for keeping the body working and coping with the activities we undertake. Western man has about half his diet in the form of carbohydrate but in the east it constitutes up to 90% usually taken as grains. It is fortunate that grains are also good providers of protein; starvation is generally the result of too little food rather than too few carbohydrates.

The refining of carbohydrates into white flour, polished rice and white sugar is a prime cause of overweight. Such foods are easy to eat in large amounts whereas if they are as near nature as possible-for example as whole wheat flour; brown rice and raw sugar-the appetite is well satisfied with less quantity.

Another bonus is that the all important dietary fiber, probably in its best form as cereal fiber (bran), is retained. Dietary fiber adds bulk to the contents of the gut, and for this reason is extremely valuable in preventing constipation. It is thought that a Western diet low in dietary fiber may be one of the causes of diverticulitis, appendicitis and varicose veins.

If you include dietary fiber in your diet you will be less likely to suffer from those disorders linked with over-refined foods. It must be remembered that brown bread is often colored with caramel, and has added wheat germ (a good food in itself), but is basically made from a refined or semi-refined flour. It is safest to insist when you can on bread from stone ground whole-wheat flour as this will contain all the necessary nutrients. Brown rice, pulses (lentils, peas and beans) and oatmeal are also excellent sources of dietary fiber.

Kevin Pederson has been managing a number of natural home remedies websites which have information on home based natural cures and remedies for some of the most common illnesses and health problems

Your skin is the largest organ of your body, just like your heart or your kidney. Its job is to protect your insides so it is important for it to be healthy. If you eat a healthy diet, drink lots of water, keep it clean, and protect it from the sun, your skin will stay healthy all your life.

A skin care program is the combination of skin care products and a routine that will be most beneficial to the skin. You will first need to consider your diet and type of life-style since these two factors play an important role in the health of a person's skin.

Diet - Eat Well

What you put into your body has a huge effect on how the outside looks and feels. Eating healthy foods is important. Remember to feed and nourish your skin by eating the proper foods. Give your skin a drink too. Eight glasses of are essential to maintaining your skin's elasticity and suppleness, say experts. The water you choose can be sparkling water, mineral or straight from the tap. You still can't beat the old fruit and vegetable diet when it comes to good health and a good complexion.

Hygiene - Keep your skin clean.

You need to give some thought and consideration to the type of makeup you use. And be sure to clean your tools regularly. Things such as cosmetic brushes get dirty and can carry bacteria and germs and may cause skin irritations and breaking out. A good way is to soak brushes for about 10 minutes in a dish of warm, soapy water using mild liquid detergent or baby shampoo. Rinse and blot excess moisture with a towel and stand the brushes, handle end down, in a tall glass until they are thoroughly dry.

Keep environmental pollutants from being absorbed into the skin with a good moisturizer that also acts as a skin barrier. Check the labels for those with added Vitamin A, C and E, which help block the penetration of pollutants.

Exercise - keep fit

A good exercise program such as aerobics can activate and rejuvenate the skin and improve circulation and blood flow. Also, body sweat triggers production of sebum, which is the skin's own natural moisturizer.

Sleep - get an adequate amount of quality sleep

Be sure to get enough sleep. An adequate amount of quality sleep can help recharge and rejuvenate the body, making it more resilient. Lack of sleep can lead to tired lifeless skin and circles under the eyes. To avoid morning eye or facial puffiness, sleep on your back so fluid doesn't collect there. And, you can keep the oil from your hair away from your face by wearing a head covering or a soft headband when you go to bed.

De-Stress - Relax

Get serious about stress reduction. Skin conditions such as acne appear on many people who are stressed out, and chronic skin conditions then to get worse. Set aside quiet time to meditate or daydream. Breathing exercises are excellent for reducing stress. And keep in mind that too much stress can affect your overall health as well as your complexion. A more detailed version of this article is available at:

Copyright ? 2005. Chileshe Mwape writes for The Pregnancy Guide website at: and he?s also a regular contributor to the Cosmetic Surgery Guide blog at:

This article may be reprinted as long as all the above links are active and clickable.

Skin care and pores-

Pores play a major role as far as our looks are concerned. When we have large pores that look still larger when we reach the mirror, we feel disheartened by what we see. There is no need to feel helpless about the pores. Let me tell you how you can look young with tight looking pores.

Skin Pores- pores are for sebum, sweat and hair

Why do we have pores? We have pores so that the hair can come out of them. The pores are an outlet for the sebum. That sebum helps us in having a healthy skin. Sebum protects skin against microbial infections. Sebum also helps keep skin moisturized. Sweat also comes from the pres. sweat, as we all know is important to keep body temperature constant. A pore is important for that.

Pores- why do they enlarge?

Pores may be enlarged due to two reasons. One - genetic and oily skin, two- they look enlarged but are not so. Many of us inherit enlarged pores. We can do nothing about them, except keeping them clean and using makeup intelligently. Those with oily skin also have enlarged pores that can be controlled to a great extent by keeping the oils under control. Many times the excess sebum and dead skin cells accumulate around the pores and make them look enlarged. This problem can be rectified easily.

Pores- exfoliate and keep them open

Keep the pores open by regularly exfoliating the skin with topical retinoids. Use AHAs to remove the dead cells and use pH-balanced cleansers to keep oil under control. This will help you keep your pores clean and they will not look enlarged. Learn how AHas help our skin by clicking here- AHAs

This article is only for informative purposes. This article is not intended to be a medical advise and it is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult your doctor for your medical concerns. Please follow any tip given in this article only after consulting your doctor. The author is not liable for any outcome or damage resulting from information obtained from this article.

C.D.Mohatta writes articles on skin problems, skin treatments and skin care. For more information about how to have good skin that looks young and blemish free, please visit- You will also find solutions to wrinkles, scars, facial rejuvenation, latest laser treatments, skin blemishes and spots, hair care and hair loss and about keeping healthy nails. This site is dedicated to keep you healthy and make you look good. For keeping yourself young and healthy at all the ages find out more about the skin problems and how to cure them

Gravity is an irresistible force. While it is certainly nice that it keeps us rooted to the planet, it also has a habit of pulling things lower than we might like over time.

Breast Lifts ? Improvement Without Implants

Cosmetic breast surgery is one of the more popular areas of plastic surgery. That being said, the controversy surrounding breast implants may make you pause when considering the various enhancement procedures available.

Breast lifts are designed to fight the effects of gravity. The goal of the procedure is to raise and/or reshape sagging breasts. When breast lifts are discussed, most people assume the procedure necessarily includes the use of implants. While it is true that implants can be used in the process, it is equally true that they need not be. Obviously, the choice comes down to the final result you hope to achieve and the advice of your physician. Regardless, it is important to understand that you should not assume a lift requires implants.

Breast lifts without implants can make a major difference in your appearance. One has to be a bit careful discussing the procedure because it tends to be tailored to the specific situation of each patient. That being said, the process typically involves the removal of excess skin combined with the repositioning of the remaining tissues.

In one sense, breast lift surgery is very much an artistic endeavor. The plastic surgeon is essentially acting as a sculptor. As such, you absolutely must make sure you are comfortable with their style and past creations. The best way to do this is to sit down with the surgeon and review before and after pictures from past procedures. This is your body, so do not hesitate to express your opinions and ask questions. The surgeon will not be insulted. To the contrary, he or she would rather have as detailed an understanding as possible of your goal. He or she can then give you an idea of potential, reasonable results.

As Einstein told us, gravity is one of the key forces in the universe. A breast lift can give you the ability to counter that force without dealing with the controversy surrounding implants.

Ricardo de Silva is with - a directory of plastic surgeons. Visit us to read more plastic surgery articles.

Plastic surgery is definitively a medical procedure, but there is also an artistic element to it. This brings us to the subject of tumescent abdominoplasty.

Tumescent Abdominoplasty

One of the most popular methods of liposuction is tumescent abdominoplasty. It is a cosmetic surgical procedure commonly performed to remove excess fat deposits in localized areas permanently, which are resistant to exercise and traditional diet programs. Tumescent Abdominoplasty is also recommended for patients suffering from morbid obesity.

Tumescent abdominoplasty involves the use of advanced techniques to guarantee permanent results by filling and swelling the fatty areas to be removed, thus the name tumescent, literally meaning to swell. Tumescent abdominoplasty is performed by filling large volumes of fatty areas with a special solution before the surgical procedure. The solution used by surgeons has the effect of a local anesthetic facilitating the surgery and preventing the use of heavy intravenous sedation or general anesthesia that might be risky for some persons. Additionally, the solution makes adrenalin that constricts the blood vessels, reducing bleeding to negligible amounts in comparison with other liposuction methods.

By means of small tubes called cannulas, the patient is connected to a suction syringe or device that extracts the fat in a safe manner that also facilitates a quick recovery. Fatty deposits removed in very specific areas allow the surgeon to sculpt artistically any body into a new shape with the aid of delicate instruments.

There is minimal pain involved in tumescent abdominoplasty. Most clinics use natural therapies to relieve it such as listening to sedative music or friendly talking during the application of the solution which is the time when some pain may occur. The removing and sculpting procedure on fatty deposits does not cause pain by in and of itself.

Patients who undergo this cosmetic surgery often refer to the procedure as comparable to a deep massage session. Because the procedure is performed under local anesthesia, a patient can cooperate with the surgeon by changing position if necessary to optimize the results. Compared to traditional invasive liposuction, this is a drastic improvement.

The anesthetic effect of the solution applied before the procedure generally lasts for nearly 24 hours after which patients may experience light soreness that usually disappears alone after 1 or 2 weeks. From all the abdominoplasty techniques, including dry technique, wet technique, Ultrasonic Assisted Liposuction (UAL), Power Assisted Techniques (PAL), etc, Tumescent Abdominoplasty is safest method of liposuction available today.

If you are considering a procedure to address hard to get at areas of fat, tumescent abdominoplasty may be a perfect option. Make sure to discuss the applicability of the procedure to your situation with your plastic surgeon.

Ricardo de Silva is with - a directory of plastic surgeons.

Dry hair tends to be thin and rough. It is susceptible to tangles, damage, breakage and split ends. We suggest a few remedies you can try at home for managing dry hair.

The primary aim is to replenish the oil and the moisture in the hair. That is why the emphasis is on the conditioning aspect of hair care. Strong cleansing routines and dry toning exercises and massaging of the scalp promote dryness and flakiness of the scalp.

The use of strong-action shampoo is prohibited for dry hair. Often a generous oil application and massage is recommended before washing the hair. Frequent shampooing is harmful for dry hair.

For the moisture-dry hair, a moisturizer application is required.

Home remedy for dry hair: The Gentle Cleanser

1. Beat an egg in a cup of skimmed milk. When the foam becomes consistent, rub it into the scalp. Leave it on for 5 minutes. Rinse the hair thoroughly with water. Carry out this routine twice a week.

2. Take a cup of coconut milk and add two tablespoons of gram flour or one teaspoon of shikakai. Apply on your scalp and hair and massage gently. Rinse it out after five minutes. Follow this recipe at least once a week.

Another dry hair home remedy: The Protein Conditioner Beat one tablespoon of castor oil, one tablespoon of glycerin, a teaspoon of cider vinegar and a teaspoon of protein, plus a tablespoon of mild herbal shampoo. Apply it on scalp and leave it on for 20 minutes. Rinse with clear water.

A Special Massage Oil/Toner

Get a bottle of castor oil or coconut oil. Add a teaspoon of lavender essential oil in it. Heat a little and massage it gently in your scalp at night. Rinse or shampoo it out in the morning. Follow this routine at least twice a week.

Other tips on home based treatment of dry hair

1. First assess whether your scalp and hair are moisture dry or oil-dry.
2. Condition your hair as often as you wash it.
3. Never comb, brush or massage vigorously if the hair is extremely dry.

Before any kind of routine care is followed, be familiar with the needs of your scalp and hair.

Kevin Pederson has been managing a number of natural home remedies websites which have information on home based natural cures and for loss of hair as well as taking care of your dry hair.

Few of life?s luxuries lift our spirits and promote our self-esteem as effectively as beauty products. This feel good factor more often than not comes with a hefty price tag attached to it. Add the words ?organic?, ?natural? or ?herbal? to the label and the cost is higher still. Or is it? Beauty products need not be costly. You can achieve professional results at home on a shoestring budget.

Skin care products are among the most popular beauty treatments. From cleansers to toners to lotions, the more they claim to do the more expensive they generally are. Many of the store bought products often contain toxic substances, many of which are synthetically derived from petrochemicals. These ingredients have the potential for causing cancer, birth defects, central nervous system disorders, allergic respiratory reactions, and skin and eye irritations. Many chemicals found in cosmetics don't cause immediate visible signs of toxicity, but affect our health negatively over time through repeated use.

Making your own beauty products saves you money and ensures complete control over the ingredients. This is especially useful if you have sensitive or allergic skin. It is surprisingly simple to achieve excellent results with relatively little effort and expenditure. Many every day food items such as honey, eggs, cucumber, fruits, and others have been used as beauty enhancers for centuries. Eggs are very versatile. To tone and tighten skin, apply a beaten egg white to your face and rinse it off after it dries. To remove excess oil, whip an egg yolk and mix it with six tablespoons of honey to make a peel off mask. Masking is the oldest of all the beauty arts. Masks rejuvenate and revitalize skin by removing accumulated dead skin cells and restoring normal epidermal function. Regular use of a facial mask tightens pores and stimulates the circulation of blood to the face, thereby bringing oxygen and other essential nutrients to the skin.

Honey is a natural anti-bacterial agent and moisturizer. It contains trace minerals and amino acids which are beneficial to skin and hair. It may be used on the face as a mask (clover honey is recommended for dry skin, while oily and combination skin benefits from orange blossom honey) and on hair as a conditioning treatment to add shine and moisture. For a honey hair rinse, combine one teaspoon of honey with four cups of warm water and one drop of your favourite essential oil or perfume. Apply this mixture to freshly washed hair and let air dry.

For a refreshing facial, pour boiling water over dried chamomile flowers in a bowl and inhale, holding your face a few inches above the water. You can even use the left over liquid to rinse your hair with afterwards. Apart from the benefits to your skin, this treatment also has health benefits for nose, throat and lungs and is especially beneficial for colds and bronchial infections.

For an all over beauty treatment, add half a cup of powdered milk to a tub full of hot water. It acts as a skin softener. For added benefit and relaxation, add a muslin bag filled with your favourite herbs to the bath. For a soothing effect, try chamomile flowers or rose flowers. Basil, bay, rosemary, or thyme have an energizing effect. Sage and strawberry leaves relieve muscle aches and painful joints. A handful of oatmeal and two teaspoons of sea salt make an invigorating body scrub.

Massage has a relaxing effect on the body and the mind. It loosens tension and blockages and stimulates blood circulation and the lymphatic system, which plays an important role in the body?s immune system. Massage oils consists of a carrier oil (or oil blend) to which essential oils are added. Carrier oils are vegetable oils used to dilute the concentrated essential oils. They help to slow down the evaporation of the essential oils and help absorb them into the skin. For maximum benefit, ?extra virgin? or cold pressed vegetable oils should be used. Popular carrier oils include sweet almond, grape seed, sunflower, sesame, wheat germ, olive and peanut oil. Nut allergy sufferers are advised to avoid nut based oils. Jojoba oil is a very popular oil due to its nutritional properties. Its structure is very close to human sebum so it is easily absorbed. Jojoba oil allows the skin to breathe, unlike other oils. It nourishes the skin and moisturizes it at the same time. Jojoba is actually a liquid wax, not an oil.

Making your own beauty products saves you money and let's you be in control over what goes onto your skin. Even better, it?s easy and fun. Happy mixing!

Katharina Bishop is a freelance writer. She is the owner of Wondrous Gems, a business specializing in crystals and designer jewelry.

Beautiful Skin 101

By Unknown

Most women shy away from being called 'too sensitive.' But when the subject is kin, they're all too willing to wear the scarlet S. According to the American Academy of Dermatology, at least 40% of women believe they have sensitive skin, although most dermatologists report that only a fraction really do. Sensitivity defined as skin that's prone to irritation from products, weather, or stress is a real (albeit misunderstood) condition. It's not the same as an allergy. It means you have a lower tolerance for irritating ingredients, such as fragrances and dyes. The evil twist here is that the more skin reacts, the more sensitive it becomes. Imagine normal skin having a natural barrier like Saran Wrap. People with sensitive skin have a disrupted barrier all the time. But by identifying what disrupts that barrier and protecting it with the right moisturizer, you can develop a thicker skin.

Read Labels: Before applying creams, lotions, or makeup, read the ingredients list. The fewer ingredients on the label, the better. All products and formulas should be free of fragrance, dye, and isopropyl alcohol (commonly known as rubbing alcohol). And beware of botanical ingredients and oils. Test each new product on the side of your neck for a few days before using it on your face.

Cleanse: Wash you face with a milky, non-foaming liquid cleanser or a soap-free bar. Do not use a washcloth or any rough scrubber, which can be too abrasive for sensitive skin. Rinse face well by splashing with lukewarm water and pat with a soft towel, leaving skin slightly damp. There is no need to use a toner, which generally contains drying and irritating isopropyl alcohol.

Moisturize: Dab moisturizer onto damp skin in the morning and night. Look for one that contains ceramides, fatty acids, or cholesterol, all of which help form a protective barrier against irritation. In the morning, when the moisturizer is absorbed, apply a sunscreen (with an SPF 15 or higher). It should also contain zinc oxide or titanium dioxide, which are least likely to cause reactions. Cheat Sheet

Choose the right products. 'Allergy-tested' means it doesn't have ingredients that cause common reactions. 'Noncomedogenic' means it won't clog pores.

Read labels. Not everyone with sensitive skin is troubled by the same thing, but the most common irritants, in order, include fragrance, isopropyl alcohol, dyes, PABA, lanolin, sorbic acid, formaldehyde, and benzoic acid. Don't assume that natural products are safe. Some botanicals (rosemary, sandalwood, arnica) and essential oils (jojoba, tea tree, lavender) may irritate.

Test samples on the neck for several days. If they don't irritate you, they'll probably be fine for your face. Don't try an arsenal of new products at once. Similarly, if skin breaks out, stop using everything, and reintroduce products one by one.

Be as gentle as possible. Use a creamy, liquid cleanser or a soap-free bar and rinse with lukewarm water. Avoid Buf-Pufs and washcloths. Pat with a towel and leave skin slightly damp.

Moisturize with a product for sensitive skin, or one that contains fatty acids, cholesterol, and ceramides. Every day, be sure to apply a PABA-free sunscreen that contains titanium dioxide or zinc oxide. Daily Basics

Wash with a milky, non-foaming liquid.
Use a soap-free formula with oatmeal that calms dry and itchy skin.
For day, use a fragrance-free moisturizer containing a non-irritating sunscreen. At night, smooth on a noncomedogenic formula that helps fortify the skin's barrier while you sleep.
Dermatologists say that sensitive-skin sufferers are more likely to avoid using sunscreens, associating them with past reactions to PABA. Choose one that won't aggravate skin.
It's not just what you put on your face. Hair spray can cause breakouts along the hairline. Use an allergy-tested and keep the hair off the face whenever possible.

Extra Help

To soothe redness, dermatologists recommend using a fragrance-free treatment. A dime-size dab of an over-the-counter 1% hydrocortisone cream also relieves itching.
For dryness on the body, increase resistance to the environment with a product containing lipids, which is safe for sensitive types.
To treat blemishes, start with an irritant-free face lotion that minimizes blotches with vitamin A. Follow with a concealer that won't aggravate acne, which does double duty by helping clear and conceal blemishes.
Dermatologists like products that get their color from iron oxides, which are less likely to cause reactions. They're also talc-free, which means they won't rob skin of the moisture it needs.

Tricks of the Trade

Don't' shower or bathe for more than 20 minutes, or you'll dry out your skin. Use lukewarm water.
Don't start any aggressive treatments during the winter, when skin is dryer and more sensitive because of low humidity and indoor heating. A humidifier helps skin from becoming parched.
Grainy or chemical exfoliants can cause breakouts. Excessive daily scrubbing rubs the sebaceous glands, which can clog pores. Use a clay or mud mask to slough off dead cells instead.
Facials are trouble unless they're simple, steam-free, and employ fragrance-free products.
Avoid chemical peels and laser treatments if you're sensitive to exfoliants and skin-lightening creams.
If acne medications irritate your skin, ask your doctor about taking oral antibiotics or birth-control pills, which can help minimize blemishes.
Keep Retin-A treatments to only once a week. Dilute the strength by mixing it with your moisturizer.
For skin that seems provoked by anything and everything, ask you dermatologist about cleansers and moisturizers that are normally prescribed for hypersensitive postsurgery and postpeel patients.

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